Sunday, April 12, 2009

Silence Tapas Ramana Maharshi (week 7-5)

Not your average newage guru there's no video on youtube, goggle, myspace, hulu or any other social networking site exposing a blessed or holy silver necklace being mysteriously pulled out of thin air or as Professor. Lane would counter argue, "out of pocket." Ramana Maharshi stands out to me personally of course there is no proof of anyone bad mouthing him, could it be because technology didn't exsist during his time it is a possibility yes, but there are many other well known people who commit some mistakes and yet make it on to networking cites decades after. For example Dorothy Hunt (wife of watergate scandal burglar) who was a courier to steal hush money known as secret funds from the white house still going strong on youtube. It would be interesting to even analyze a negative point of view when speaking of Maharshi, but I searched and searched with no results. Therefore when he came to exsistance he was not well known like most of us start out unless your name is suri or shiloh. He was an ordinary child went to school, played, and endured some suffering with the passing of his father at an early age. He then consciously made a decision during his teenage years when he received premonitions. I don't think a child could make a religious decision until there teenage years and in the later periods of young adulthood. For Ramana Maharshi this realization came at a somewhat later stage in his life where 16 years of age was the median life span for humans across the world, so he feared death. This pondering question of death is what set him free to live happily, peacefully, and holy.

"The true teaching was in silence" (maharshi)

This is very true and one of my favorite quotes you can even test this out see how much you learn by talking or see how much you can learn by listening while understanding and contemplating with yourself through silence.

"Happiness is your real nature" (maharshi)

If nothing bothered you and everything went your way would you be happy?
Identifying happiness as ones nature is simple when we humans are mad do we stay mad, some might say yes quite some time, but eventually that time runs up because the essence of who you are kicks in and you become happy again even if it's for a split second before you get away from the idealistic feeling and go back to feeling otherwise.